Astrologer Priyanka


Each and every one of us is born with a set of numbers that are unique to us or lucky numbers. Numerology in Bhubaneswar by Astrologer Priyanka  is here to guide you about the universal language of numbers.

Understanding what your lucky number is very important in unlocking a lot of things. Astrologer priyanka Is the Best Numerologist In Bhubaneswar. 

The depths of your personality, the way you interact with others, things that you need to learn, the opportunities and challenges that await you, all of this can be unlocked by knowing all about your lucky number.

How does it work?

Every single digit number has its own unique personality and numerology analyzes and works on this. There are various attributes that are well defined and specific to each number. Although multiple numbers share some specific character traits, these numbers have a specific unique personality that is easy to recognize.

A very good example to make this easier to understand would be the numerological relation between the numbers 6 and 9. Both the numbers are associated with compassion and selflessness, alongside other humane and caring qualities. The number 6 is family and community oriented with its qualities of care and compassion projecting on and positively affecting people who come in the immediate circle of friends and family. Whereas, the number 9 has a global perspective and its qualities of sympathy and self-sacrifice is directed to anyone who is not even known personally. While the number 6 finds it hard to relate to people who it does not know personally, the number 9 tends to stay a bit aloof from people it knows personally. Not distant, but aloof.

Understanding these traits of each number is what makes numerology work. This gives an individual a clear insight into what he or she actually is. It is all about understanding the attitude and actions of each number and acting accordingly. It is also very important to understand that just like human beings do not behave in the same way in each location, numbers go through locational changes as well. If a number has a positive attitude in one location, it might have a negative attitude in another.


How Can We Help You?

  •  We help you in understanding your true self, thus revealing and removing all the harmful behavioral patterns.
  •  Your inner peace is our priority and our goal to help you achieve it.
  •  We take you on a wonderful journey of rediscovery and personal development.
  •  To make you spiritually connected so that you can get back on track, better than ever.


Benefits of Numerology

  • Numerology is the best self-help tool. It aids in self-introspection as one gets to know him or herself, better.
  • Name correction helps in getting your life on the right path.
  • Helps in resolving relationship difficulties.
  • A great tool to analyze, understand and grow relationships. It helps in creating the right conditions for a win/win relationship.
  • It gives you an insight into what you bring to a particular relationship as well as what you need from it.
  • Aids in the understanding of how others see you and how you can work upon it.
  • Numerology defines your blurry and hazy opportunities and challenges.
  • It gets you aware of your strengths and weaknesses while providing your life with a great blueprint.


Astrologer Priyanka  is the best numerologist of Bhubaneswar . Her devotion to her work and determination has gifted her a great list of clients. From knowing your lucky number to what number you are associated with and how to get the most of out of your number is what Astrologer priyanka is there for. If you are looking for the best Numerology in Bhuabneswar , contact her today to get your numerology done in the best possible way.
